About Me

As a young child I often accompanied my Father to work because I am an animal lover and he is a Veterinarian. One day he sat me down in front of a cage with a dog in it and told me she was going to have puppies. I was so excited but as I watched her pant and circle, I begged my Dad to help her. His response was that she has everything she needs to safely birth her pups. He told me that my job was to be still and make her feel calm and safe. 


That memory stayed with me throughout my life and I bring those principles into my Doula Practice as well as my parenting. Patience, confidence and holding space for you, I will work hard to make sure you feel supported and answer your questions. 


Raising my own kids, it always amazes me how much labor and birth mirror parenting. So much of the joy of parenthood is doing your best, taking it one breathe at a time, shifting plans and laying a foundation of love and respect. Holding space for you as you shift into being a family is a huge honor and responsibility. Although I take it seriously, I truly believe that it is also so fun and I will help you to get prepared so you feel confident to connect to and raise your human!